Why you should, or shouldn't, raise triops
I enjoy raising triops, and it may, or may not be right for you. I'll tell you the pros and cons of it. And first of all, it appeals to my sense of humor to do something that most people have never even heard of. Triops?! Well, to be fair, I had never heard of triops before a few years ago when a friend of mine sent me a photo of them from the internet, and it made me curious. In my younger days I enjoyed having goldfish. It was a labor of love to be constantly cleaning the tank, which as I recall was about 20 gallons. In addition to a very serious filter, I would move the fish into buckets and carry the tank out in the backyard on a regular basis for a very thorough cleaning. I never did tropical fish, and I understand that the maintenance isn't so high, but I like goldfish. I would buy little tiny ones and enjoyed watching them grow, which they did! And I think watching them grow is why I like triops. They start out from eggs (which you get online) and once they hatch (in a c...